Cecilia Dubuisson
Cecilia Dubuisson
Donelson Elementary School
For the 2019-2020 school year, Donelson Elementary School welcomed new 4th grade teacher, Cecilia Dubuisson. Ms. Dubuisson is going into her third year of teaching. She teaches History and Language Arts.
Prior to coming to Donelson, she taught at a school located in Jackson, Mississippi. Ms. Dubuisson decided to come to Donelson for both the area and the parent involvement.
She states that the first week of school was “awesome…enjoyed the students and the parents are great”.
Her favorite part of teaching is seeing the students get excited to learn.
Ms. Dubuisson says she’s always known she wanted to be a teacher.
When asked one students stated that their favorite part of learning was “everything”
Another student when asked if she liked Ms. Dubuisson she stated “yes” in a very enthusiastic tone.