Jackson Norman – Humans of Arlington


Kenzie Webb, Staff

“So in middle school we went on a trip to six flags for orchestra and we we were, you know, walking around it was like the end of the day so we had some time in the parks or whatever   So we were crossing the tracks, because they have a train track in the park and so I was not paying attention and all of a sudden the bar, that lowers when the train comes, knocks me on the back of the head. I won this ball earlier in the day, and I dropped my ball and it rolled on the track. So I went to get it. And as soon as I grab my ball, my mom and all of my friends start yelling at me. They’re like ‘Jackson! Jackson! Come back!’. Then I looked to my left and I’m like ‘oh my gosh a train is coming!’ So I run back as fast as I can under the bars with my ball that I won.”