
Maddie Hughes, Journalist

“When I noticed that I had dyslexia, you don’t really have a name for it, you just think that you’re stupid, and that you can’t do things other people can.”


Marsha Bradley is an alternative school teacher at Arlington High School who has dyslexia. Dyslexia is caused by many reasons, one of those being differences in the part of the brain that enables reading. “Dyslexia didn’t stop me from making good grades. I became an auditory learner and acutely observant.” Ms. Bradley is someone who people with differences can look up to. “I didn’t have a name for what it was, but I had a theater instructor ask me, are you dyslexic? And so then I had a name for what it was.”


“Dyslexia can be frustrating for some people. I have learned as an individual that I just had to work harder to make the grades.” Ms. Bradley wants people with disabilities to know they’re not alone, “A lot of people just give up. I’m here to say that the biggest thing is just to find your own way that works for you. Just find your own path.”