Hailey Blackburn

Bree McCord

Sports Media Class is a challenge in itself, but Hailey Blackburn takes on the challenges of both Sports Media and Arlington Varsity Cheerleading.


Hailey Blackburn is a senior this year at Arlington High School. She has been a proud tiger for all of her 4 years attending AHS. She loves the environment of living in Arlington. “I love the feeling of living in a small town and being able to know everyone. It has allowed me to make so many new friends.” Being at AHS has been an incredible experience for her. She enjoys all of her classes that she chose to take, but has excelled the most in English due to her love for literature and reading. She has grown to especially like AHS teacher, Mr. Manthe, who is her AP Government teacher. Hailey is unsure of where she is going to college, but is looking forward to graduating. She is very excited to head off to college. Hailey would like to pursue a career in publishing. Hailey has enjoyed being as senior this year so far. “My favorite part of my senior year so far would be seeing my growth and hard work I’ve put in these past four years. It’s cool to see that it has all paid off.” Hailey is glad that she gets to experience her last four years of high school with her friends.

One aspect of Hailey’s dedication to Arlington would be her participation on the Arlington Varsity Competitive Cheerleading team. The cheer team has been a very special part of her life for four years. She has developed many friendships over the years of her being on the team. She has put in so much hard work and dedication Inyo the team in order for it to succeed. Hailey has to balance all of her classes and homework with the rigorous schedule of cheerleading. It’s impressive to say the least. The cheer team has been on the rise lately, as this year, the team is packed to the rim with talent. Hailey has contributed to three years of the success and is the most optimistic for this season.

Along with cheerleading, Hailey has gotten the privilege of being a member of the very skilled Sports Media Class. She first got involved with film her freshman year. It was a new experience for her. She had no prior knowledge about film when she signed up for the class. She was pleasantly surprised when she got the full package when being taught the basics of film. She loved the class so much, that she decided to take three more film classes. This is her first year trying out Sports Media. Due to her previous film classes, she felt prepared to take on the challenge. “I love a good challenge, and Sports Media is one of them. I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve learned and I’m excited to learn even more.”

Hailey excels in editing and filming many different sports events for the school. Being in Sports Media has also given her the opportunity to branch out meet different people. The most challenging part for her, would be all of the work it takes to succeed in the class. Sports Media has allowed her to grow as a student and get much more involved in student life. Hailey is very grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such a special class at AHS.