Caydence Coleman

Cadence Cleveland, Journalist

Caydence Coleman is a 16 years old Sports Journalist that lives in Memphis Tennessee. She’s lived all over Memphis but never outside of it and she is a sophomore at Arlington High School. “The only other fine arts classes I have taken previous to this one is Film and Video 2, but I do intend to take more in the future.” She would recommend Sports Journalism to others even if you don’t know a lot about sports. Caydence believes it is a extremely fun class and a great learning opportunity about the film world.

“I was inspired to take this class mostly by Mrs. Roberts because it is a fairly new class that she seemed very excited about, and also because I’m not able to take digital journalism so this was the next best thing she as able to suggest!” Caydence started her media arts classes her freshmen year go high school. But, when she was in 7th and 8th grade she started her media arts journey when she took A/V Production with the Memphis known Stan Bell. This was auto visual production which focuses a lot on the radio and podcast aspect of media production, but also lighting and TV presence.

“The most challenging part of Sports Journalism is being able to find the important pieces of sports that usually don’t get as much attention, like gold or cross country, or tennis, and being able to bring attention to them and make them more known and acknowledged.” Caydence believes her biggest strength in this class is her having previous knowledge on film production. She said that she can be a big help to others and guide them to success in some aspects.