This past weekend, Coach Moe Miller launched his elite basketball camp for seventh through ninth grade. This was his first ever self-owned project, and it started out a booming success. “It was beautiful. To write out your plans and visions on paper is one thing, but to see it come to life is a completely different story.”
At least 50 kids arrived at the camp, ages ranging from 11 to 14. The Arlington High Varsity Basketball Team participated as well, helping the younger kids work on their crafts and skills. “Knowing that I have the support of not only outside sources but also from the team that I coach and work with every day is an amazing feeling. Sometimes you may not realize that the smallest gestures really do mean a lot to you.”
The success of Miller’s first camp may be the sign of more to come. “I definitely plan on doing events similar to this in the future, so players and parents can be on the lookout for what’s coming next.” The momentum of his first ever business venture will be exceeding even higher limits as time progresses. “The only way to go from here is up,” he states. With that, the blessings will continue to grow as Coach Moe Miller furthers his legacy one step at a time.