Balance | ACS Superintendent Jeff Mayo

Bree McCord and Ava Cowan

Mr. Jeff Mayo, Arlington Community Schools Superintendent, is very passionate about the success of schools in the Arlington Community. He prides himself on creating an educational environment and experience for every student. With this goal in mind, Mr. Mayo, the ACS School Board, the Central Office Faculty, and the administration at Arlington High School, are undertaking a large project by renovating and expanding the Fine Arts Facility.

“By creating this new expansion and update, we are continuing to balance our offerings. We don’t focus on one individual offering. We have the best facilities for sports, academics, and now fine arts. There will be new additions to the theatre, band and art rooms,” says Mayo.

Melanie Anderson, one of the AHS art teachers,  is very excited for the new renovations to her art room. “It will be very exciting and such a great addition to our program.”