Quality News Article – Kindness Week

Kenzie Webb, Staff

This week, January 27- January 31, is Kindness week here at Arlington. Mrs. Pike, one of our anatomy teachers, has played a big role in making kindness week happen. She states, “Kindness can snowball to create a happier community.” Kindness week started in 2006 by Danielle Gram and Jill McManigal. “In 2011, the elementary school that Jill’s children’s (she is an elementary school teacher) attended asked Kids for Peace to help create a more positive, unified and respectful school environment. As a result, The great Kindness Challenge was designed and piloted.” This movement became widely successful, and became a big movement in schools all through out America, including all Arlington schools. “A few weeks ago, Mr. Duncan let us know that the district office registered all ACS schools for the great kindness challenge.” “I just knew that I wanted to be involved somehow, so I came up with the theme days, got them approved by other teachers, students, and Mr. Duncan.” Lastly, Mrs. Pike states, “Kindness matters! In a world where you can be anything, BE KIND! No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Kindness changes everything! Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give.”