Arlington students are beaming with excitement for the week of March 16-22nd, SPRING BREAK! After 10 weeks of hard work, studying, and busy schedules in quarter 3, AHS students are ready for a relaxing mind and body break.
Some students are taking this break out of Arlington, while others plan to stay in town. AHS senior, Campbell Funk is going to Lima, Peru. She says, “I’m super excited about this opportunity to go on a mission trip in Peru and to get new experiences.” On the other hand, senior Ella Parker says, “My spring break is going to be boring, but I’m excited to make some good money!” Students who participate in spring sports, such as baseball, softball, tennis, and track must stay in town due to matches, tournaments, and games.
After asking around, it seems like many people plan to stay in town because they want to save their money for summer trips. The goal for many people during this spring break is to catch up on work, rest their minds, and prepare for their last quarter of high school ever!
This spring break is definitely bitter sweet considering it is the last one before students go off to college. Everyone is sentimental about the fact that once seniors come back, they only have 6 weeks left here at AHS.