Austin Randall



Ashlyn Clark, Facebook Manager

“On Sunday my friend Blake Smith told me he had strep throat and that he went to the doctor to get it checked. He had spent the night with me the night before so I started to watch out for strep symptoms. My throat started hurting Monday but I thought it might just be me thinking I have it so I decided to wait it out. By Thursday it was so bad I couldn’t go to school. I went to the doctor Thursday and missed school Thursday and Friday. The doctor told me it was bad strep but that I could just take Amoxicillin to get rid of it. By Saturday it was the worst pain I have ever experienced. I ended up in the emergency room at Le Bonheur Saturday night. They then told me I had a Peritonsillar Abscess. This is when you do not treat tonsillitis in time and it forms a puss pocket on your tonsils. I was in need of immediate surgery to drain the puss.”

-Austin Randall, Varsity Football and Baseball Player
