TikTok Quality News Article

TikTok Quality News Article

Keith Judkins, Staff

Nour Wahab became a very popular tic toc producer by making very short videos and entertaining people with them. “What makes tic tic so popular is honestly the creativity and the memes and the hottest trends of videosat the time.” Tic Toc actually First was named musically then was later rebranded as tic toc and it blew up again. “I’m not really sure if it will be around in 3 years from now, it’s not as popular as it was last year. Being popular on social media takes a lot of consistency, “I do them now when I’m bored or in my free time but I used to do Tic Toc all the time and I gained a lot of followers but now they stopped. The dancers are the biggest trends for Tic Toc videos. The most viewed thing on tic toc are usually the pretty girls and the hype videos.