AHS Alumni: Conner Ferguson

Ava Cowan, Journalist

Back to the field he played on 8 years ago, Conner Ferguson is coaching the future of Arlington Tiger baseball. Ferguson attended Jackson State Community College and the University of Memphis, achieving  his Bachelor’s Degree in Science.

When attending Arlington High School, Ferguson played on the baseball team and was involved in many clubs such as Beta Club and Blue Crew. Ferguson is now one of the Lifetime Wellness teachers and Varsity Baseball Pitching Coach.”Coaching on the same team I once played on is very surreal. It’s very cool to see the new facilities and how far everything has come since I graduated.”

Conner Ferguson has known he wanted to teach at Arlington High School since he was in 11th grade.”Teaching at the same high school I graduated from at first was kind of awkward, because you are working with some of the teachers you may have not gotten along very well with.  However, it’s also been great working with these same teachers on the flip side of things. And very cool that a lot of my previous teachers are still here.”

One benefit of coming back to teach at AHS is that Coach Ferguson is now colleagues with his favorite teacher from high school. “My favorite teacher at AHS would have to be Mr. Brett Holloway. He is an awesome leader, an awesome teacher, and overall a great person.”

Coach Ferguson is very passionate about Arlington High School, and is always at all of our tiger baseball and football games. “I’m just very blessed to be able to work with wonderful faculty and the best students around.”