Character Dares


Go for a 20 minute walk/ run/ jog that isn’t planned

Kaity Gallimore and Dawson Stowman

Truth or dare? Dare? How about a character dare? What’s that you ask? Sarah Kelley, a freshman English teacher at Arlington High School, has recently implemented these dares to challenge your character.

Character dares are a character development program. “The dares are simply to get students to do something every week to better themselves, and in turn, better the school significantly,” says Mrs. Kelley. Students are the arms and legs of the school and the atmosphere of the school depends on them. She says that as students do things to benefit themselves, they will benefit other students around them as well.  Ava Douglas said, “They’re fun! They give you something to do.” Another freshman, Chase Conley, said “I think they’re pretty cool, it’s something different you wouldn’t normally do.”

Students seem pretty interested in this new idea of a Character Dare. However, the dares are strictly honor code, so the school is relying on the students filling the classrooms, and flooding the halls, to put improvement into action.