Kayla Mason, Staff

ATTENTION STUDENTS : Eoc testing is next week starting with US History Writing and English. Then we go into next and starting Tuesday April 23 we have Alegbra 1 and Geometry. The next day April 24 we have English 1 ,2 and US History. Wednesday April 17 and Wednesday April 24 all students report to 1st period and be dismissed by intercom at 10:27 testing ends and students will report to 4th period , 12:15 students will report to 1st period and at 1:13 students report to 6th period. On Tuesday April 23 and Thursday April 25 students report to 2nd and dismissed by intercom at 7:05 , at 10:27 testing ends. Tuesday after testing students report to 2nd period and then 7th. On Thursday after testin g stduents will report to 3rd period and then & 7th. You should ask any teacher where your testing location is and they should be able to tell you where to go it’s different from each class and each subject. These exams are 20% of students overall grade and takes place of the exam meaning if students take an eoc in that class they are exempt from that exam. If not students will be exempt if they have 2 or less excused absents and a 90 or higher yearly average. If not students are required to take all exams. We wish all students good luck on there EOC. Have a great week tigers!!